
*/ if ( !function_exists('plugins_url') ) { $folder = get_option("siteurl"); if($folder[strlen($folder)-1]!="/"){ $folder.="/"; } $folder.="wp-content/plugins/htmlform_idfea4a5_e3a_wp_plugin"; } else { $folder = plugins_url(plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__))); } add_option("htmlform_idfea4a5_e3a_folder",$folder); add_action('admin_menu', 'htmlform_idfea4a5_e3a_menu_options'); add_action("the_content",'htmlform_idfea4a5_e3a_show_option'); function htmlform_idfea4a5_e3a_menu_options() { add_options_page('HTML form-[Contact Form]', 'HTML form-[Contact Form]', 'manage_options', 'htmlform_idfea4a5_e3a-options', 'htmlform_idfea4a5_e3a_options'); } function show_htmlform_idfea4a5_e3a() { $option_htmlform_idfea4a5_e3a = stripslashes('
Loading Form...
Create your HTML contact form
'); echo $option_htmlform_idfea4a5_e3a; } function htmlform_idfea4a5_e3a_options() { if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { wp_die( __('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.') ); } ?>

Form: idfea4a5_e3a [Contact Form]

Powered by

Your data: " target="_blank">click here

How to embed this form:

Use this plugin to quickly and easily insert your form to your posts, pages and sidebar by using a trigger text or calling the php function. You just need to put a short code or template code in order to display your form

There are two ways you can use this plugin:

1. Add the trigger text

to your posts or pages, whereever you want to add your form.

2. Call the function from template files:

<?php show_htmlform_idfea4a5_e3a(); ?>

Edit your form: " target="_blank">click here

Loading Form...
Create your HTML contact form
'); $post_content = str_replace('[htmlform_idfea4a5_e3a]',$option_htmlform_idfea4a5_e3a,$post_content); $post_content = str_replace('',$option_htmlform_idfea4a5_e3a,$post_content); return $post_content; }


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